Weight Loss 70 Diet 10 Exercise


You can exercise like an athlete, but if your diet is poor you simply won't shed any weight.
The truth is, we can't out exercise a bad diet. If you've ever found yourself religiously at the gym but the weight is not shifting then this could be why.. Weight loss success comes down to the 70/30 rule.

70% of weight loss is due to making fundamental dietary changes and 30% comes from exercise.
Diet is absolutely vital and is the real key to shedding the fat. Instead of slashing the calories, just try tweaking your diet.

Chia Bowl Avocado Good For Weight Loss Breakfast
Photo: Brooke Lark



It takes 5 minutes to eat 500 calories, but can take up to two hours of exercise to burn it off! Consuming calories from food is easy but burning off these calories by relying on exercise alone takes a lot of time and hard work. It is much more achievable to cut your calorie intake by simply removing one dietary vice a day.
Try skipping your afternoon chocolate fix, switching to black tea or skipping your evening glass of wine.

2. Boost protein intake at breakfast

Protein at breakfast is vital for weight loss. Protein keeps us fuller for longer and consequently, you will eat less throughout the day.
Have you tried poached eggs, avocado & spinach? Yoghurt, seeds and berries? Smoked salmon with avocado on buckwheat toast or porridge with flax seeds and a dollop of yoghurt?

3. Minimise snacking

New research indicates that constant grazing throughout the day is unhealthy and counterproductive to weight loss. Stick to three satisfying meals a day, that includes protein, healthy fats, whole grains and vegetables.
If going for longer than 4-5 hours without food, then you may want to choose a snack consisting of unrefined, whole foods. Choose apples dipped in nut butter, hummus with carrots or simple boiled eggs.

4. Timing is everything

There's no need to run on the treadmill for hours.
Overly long cardio workouts can initiate a stress response, which could inhibit weight loss.
30 minutes a day of exercise is optimal for weight loss; for example, a combination of cardio and resistance training such as brisk walking and Pilates.

5. Double weight loss with a food diary

A study of 1,700 people showed that food diaries can actually double weight loss! The simple act of writing down what you eat encourages people to consume fewer calories.
*Try recording food intake on a Post-it note, take pictures on your phone, record on the notes section on your phone, send yourself text messages or keep a record on an app.

6. Revive, don't deprive

Create healthy habits, not restrictions.
Much of our eating and drinking is born out of habit. New healthy habits usually take between 1-4 weeks to kick in. Once you have created a healthy habit, it will stay with you for life.

Photo Credit: Kaci Baum
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Weight Loss 70 Diet 10 Exercise

Source: https://press-london.com/blogs/squeeze/the-70-30-rule-is-this-the-secret-to-weight-loss

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